Monday, August 20, 2012

Charming Roeselare, Part 4

"There's a beautiful forest across our house in Belgium," Bernard would always say. He talked about how he always walked there alone, and how he could not wait to bring us there.  

I couldn't imagine it. Bernard said they lived in the city. There really was a forest in the city? 

Bernard is a very good friend, but many times, it's hard for me to believe him. 

He's not a very convincing storyteller. He's not good at describing things because he never really pays attention. He has the attention span of a three-year old. Hehehe. 

Perhaps, his"forest" was just shrubbery. Or a clump of trees in front of their house. 

And I suppose I'm one of those people who needed to see to believe. Because when we finally arrived at Bernard's house that beautiful spring afternoon, right in front of me was, indeed, a forest. He explained that it was called Sterrebos. 

I guess that's what I get for ridiculing Bernard. Serves me right for bashing the person who had been key to this awesome European adventure. Hehe! Oo na, I should have never underestimated you.

Here are some photos: 

View from across the street. Pretty much what we saw every waking moment. Lucky!

Main jogging path, which leads to the Kasteel van Rumbeke. 

Finally, Kasteel Van Rumbeke. Very quiet and picturesque. It's said to be one of the oldest Renaissance castles in Belgium (thanks wikipedia!). Bernard explained that these days, it's being used as a venue for events and such. I also imagine it being used during town meetings? How very old time-y! I love it!

Back side of the Kasteel. It's perfect. (I felt like I was in the set of Ever After!). 

Obligatory jump shot, of course. You can tell Bernard was smug about this whole forest thing. Ahahaha! 

We thoroughly enjoyed Sterrebos. It was as beautiful as you described, Bernard. And, like you said, it was such a nice thing to create new memories there that didn't involve just you -- wandering alone in the morning (or was it night?), getting caught by policemen for suspicious behavior (a true story, by the way, one of his that I easily believed).

Thank you, too, to Bee's Pops Jurgen (aka Edward Norton), Muks, Andrew, Lelet, the Kiddies, the Lolas and the whole Decloedt clan, for warmly welcoming us to your home. Just being there in Roeselare, being surrounded by its simple charm, was already in itself, an experience-- one that I would always remember, and would wish to go back to. In a few years, perhaps? 

Mabuhay ang Roeselare!

Byebye for now,


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