Sunday, February 17, 2013

Europe Post: Berlin, Part 2

Heya guys!

It's been a month since my last post. It's mid-February already!

Work has been hectic, but I did get a few days off to do a bit of traveling -- thus my absence. Anyways, I'm back and I hope to regularly update the blog from now on, starting with this...

Part 2 of my Berlin Post.

Here are a few more highlights of Berlin.

Postdamer Platz:

In Potsdamer Platz, you can visit Panorama Punkt, for this view of Berlin:

Then, we walked to the nearby Sony Center (right picture above, with that cone-shaped roof with white panels), where they hold the Berlin Film Festival. Wowow!

Germans chillaxin', watching a movie (or was that a play?) :)

The next day: Ritter Store and a long walk to Check Point Charlie.

Ritter Sport. So much chocolate and all so good! I wanted to buy em all.

More art-y things, painted on the remains of the Berlin Wall, near Check Point Charlie.

Vintage, I love Berlin car. :)

Stop and Go, the Ampelmann way:

Finally, Check Point Charlie! :)

We got most of the must-see/ historical sites covered, but I did feel that there was still so much more to see in Berlin. It was soooo huge and we only got to explore the East Side. Anyways, what we saw, we enjoyed  and loved so much. (And when I come back, I would definitely eat more Bratwursts, and work harder to understand the U and S Bahns, promise!!!)


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